Mission Statement
The purpose of this congregation shall be to glorify God and promote Christian life and character through worship, instruction, evangelism, fellowship and service for this community and for the world at large according to the teachings of Jesus Christ as set forth in the New Testament.
An Inclusive Church
The First Church of the Brethren is an open and affirming Christian community. Called by Christ to be inclusive, caring, and peace-minded, we affirm that people of any race, ethnic identity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, age, economic status, faith tradition, or life situation are welcome in our congregation.
First Church of the Brethren was founded in San Diego over 100 years ago. Now at its third location, we are found in the Fairmont Park area situated conveniently off the 94, the 805 and the 15 freeways. We are a congregation who believes strongly in the tenets of the Brethren Church, of living peacefully simply, and together, but we also are progressive, accepting, and affirming. We are a church that welcomes all who come, whether they be families that have been part of this congregation for generations, families raised without a faith tradition, or families from completely different faith traditions. We encourage lay leadership and the pursuit of what you are passionate about. Blessed with a large campus we are happy to share our facilities with several ministries and non-profit groups that believe in seeking peace and justice, living simply and caring for the Earth, or bringing people together. We also happily active in our community through Standing Together for Peace, the annual block party / peace camp, eggstrazaganza and trunk or treat.