Free Community Guitar Lessons
With hope of transforming a student’s world, the church provides free Community Guitar Lessons on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month 5:30-6:30, taught by two retired teachers, Mrs. Linda K. Williams and Mrs. Cecelia Paradowski.
Students of all ages have opportunities to share their talents at a local nursing home, community events, and church worship. Join us for these free lessons and learn what fun playing the guitar can be! Please bring your own guitar. Interested? Contact Linda at LKW_BetterWorld@yahoo.com or (619) 985-3189
Rowan Elementary School Partnership
We believe in partnerships and collaborations. One important partnership is with Rowan Elementary. While special offerings taken at our church have provided emergency clothing and supplemental school supplies for students for a number of years, we also provide volunteers to help tutor in various subjects as well as help out at their carnivals and other events. Volunteers from both the church and Rowan have even worked together to select books from among their excess ones to be sent to Tijuana, Father Joe’s, and Nigeria. This partnership has also given rise to our free community guitar lessons where students are provided school-loaned guitars to learn and perform at a variety of functions. The Peace Campus itself serves as their Off-Site Disaster Drill location, and has welcomed classes for “walking fieldtrip picnics” at the Peace Resource Center.
Ken’s Kids
Every week you will find students from local high schools present on The Peace Campus. These students, with the mentoring and coaching of Ken Aeschbacher, are offered the opportunity to learn landscaping skills. Ken meets with these students, and teaches appropriate skills, and guides them as they gain and increase their landscaping skill levels. Ken’s Kids is a successful program as several students have graduated and been able to find jobs as landscapers.